Fig 2.TIF (4.25 MB)

Examples of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in HGSOC.

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posted on 2015-02-24, 03:02 authored by Roland F. Schwarz, Charlotte K. Y. Ng, Susanna L. Cooke, Scott Newman, Jillian Temple, Anna M. Piskorz, Davina Gale, Karen Sayal, Muhammed Murtaza, Peter J. Baldwin, Nitzan Rosenfeld, Helena M. Earl, Evis Sala, Mercedes Jimenez-Linan, Christine A. Parkinson, Florian Markowetz, James D. Brenton

(A and C) Total copy number profiles show strong overall conservation. As examples, a representative subset of the allele-specific genomic copy number profiles of patients 6 and 9 are shown. Separate alleles are indicated in red and blue. (B and D) Genomic changes between biopsy and surgery reveal tumour evolution. The black sample names in the trees indicate the samples shown in the Circos plots. Confidence values for each split are printed in red boxes. The colour-coded bars on the right of the phylogenies indicate different sites (left column) and different sampling times (right column). Branch lengths indicate number of genetic events as determined by MEDICC (scale bar shows ten events). Om, omentum; P, peritoneum; RPG, right paracolic gutter; SBM, small bowel mesentery.
