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Table S1 - Epidemiology of Masked and White-Coat Hypertension: The Family-Based SKIPOGH Study

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posted on 2014-03-24, 03:04 authored by Heba Alwan, Menno Pruijm, Belen Ponte, Daniel Ackermann, Idris Guessous, Georg Ehret, Jan A. Staessen, Kei Asayama, Philippe Vuistiner, Sandrine Estoppey Younes, Fred Paccaud, Grégoire Wuerzner, Antoinette Pechere-Bertschi, Markus Mohaupt, Bruno Vogt, Pierre-Yves Martin, Michel Burnier, Murielle Bochud

Mean ambulatory and office systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR) by blood pressure category.

