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Effects of MMPIP, LY341495, and MK801, mPFC infusions on the number of correct responses and response latencies in a VITI version of the 5CSRTT.

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posted on 2014-12-19, 02:48 authored by Abigail Benn, Emma S. J. Robinson

The effect of intracerebral infusions into the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices of MMPIP (0.0–1.0 µg/µL), LY341495 (0.0–10.0 µg/µL), and MK801 (0.0–10.0 µg/µL) on correct responses and response latencies in a VITI version of the 5CSRTT. Results are shown for the total population, mean ± SEM, prelimbic MMPIP n = 10, LY341495 and MK801 n = 9, infralimbic n = 6 animals per group, within-subject, *p<0.05 versus vehicle.

5CSRTT 5-choice serial reaction time task, Csec centiseconds, VITI variable inter-trial interval.

Effects of MMPIP, LY341495, and MK801, mPFC infusions on the number of correct responses and response latencies in a VITI version of the 5CSRTT.
