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Effects of HDL isolated from carriers of CETP mutations and controls on eNOS activation in HUVEC.

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posted on 2014-05-15, 02:58 authored by Monica Gomaraschi, Alice Ossoli, Silvia Pozzi, Peter Nilsson, Angelo B. Cefalù, Maurizio Averna, Jan Albert Kuivenhoven, G. Kees Hovingh, Fabrizio Veglia, Guido Franceschini, Laura Calabresi

Cells were incubated for 10-sex matches controls (n = 8), at the concentration of 1.0 mg of protein/ml. Western blot analysis of the phosphorylated and total forms of eNOS was performed, and the phosphorylated/total eNOS ratios were calculated by densitometric analysis and expressed as fold of increase in treated vs. untreated cells. Data points for each study participant are shown. cells. Results are mean±SEM of 3 separate experiments performed with 1 preparation of homozygote HDL2, 3 preparations of control HDL2, and 3 batches of cells. *P<0.05 vs. untreated homozygote HDL2.
