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Effects of AK7 in SOD1-G93A mouse model of ALS.

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posted on 2015-01-21, 02:53 authored by Xiqun Chen, Pauline Wales, Luisa Quinti, Fuxing Zuo, Sébastien Moniot, Fanny Herisson, Nazifa Abdul Rauf, Hua Wang, Richard B. Silverman, Cenk Ayata, Michelle M. Maxwell, Clemens Steegborn, Michael A. Schwarzschild, Tiago F. Outeiro, Aleksey G. Kazantsev

Kaplan-Meier probability curves show no significant effects of AK7 treatment on (A) symptom onset (118 ± 10.0 days for AK7, 117 ± 8.6 days for vehicle-treated controls) or (B) survival (169 ± 12.7 days for AK7, 175 ± 12.4 days for controls) of SOD1-G93A mice in this study. Values are median age ± SD; n = 23 for AK7, n = 27 for vehicle-treated controls.
