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Effect of hepatic ACAT2 down regulation on serum lipoprotein profile.

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posted on 2014-04-02, 02:49 authored by Matteo Pedrelli, Padideh Davoodpour, Chiara Degirolamo, Monica Gomaraschi, Mark GrahamMark Graham, Alice Ossoli, Lilian Larsson, Laura Calabresi, Jan-Åke Gustafsson, Knut R. Steffensen, Mats Eriksson, Paolo Parini

Serum lipoproteins were separated by size exclusion chromatography, and the total (left panels) and unesterified cholesterol (right panels) content was determined by a system for on-line detection. Black solid lines are the average chromatogram for the ASOctrl treated group, and grey solid lines are the average chromatogram for the ASO6 treated group (n = 6–8). Lipoprotein profiles of WT mice are shown in panels A, B, E, and F. Lipoprotein profiles of LXR DOKO mice are represented in panels C, D, H and G.
