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Effect of FFA treatment on iron metabolism in HepG2 hepatocytes.

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posted on 2015-02-03, 03:27 authored by Paola Dongiovanni, Claudia Lanti, Stefano Gatti, Raffaela Rametta, Stefania Recalcati, Marco Maggioni, Anna Ludovica Fracanzani, Patrizia Riso, Gaetano Cairo, Silvia Fargion, Luca Valenti

HepG2 hepatocytes were incubated with PA (0.66 mM) + OA (1 mM) or with FAC (150 μM) alone or in combination with FFA for 24 hours. A) Cells after Red Oil O staining. Intensity of red color is proportional to lipid accumulation. B) Absorbance of Red Oil O (540 nm). C) Intracellular iron concentration was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. D) Ferritin H protein levels were evaluated by Western Blotting (lower part). Densitometric analysis of ferritin H protein levels is shown in the upper part of the figure; β-actin is shown as the loading control. E) TfR-1 mRNA levels evaluated by qRT-PCR. F) TfR-1 protein levels were evaluated by Western Blotting (lower part). Densitometric analysis of TfR-1 protein levels is shown in the upper part of the figure; β-actin is shown as the loading control. Results are mean values of three independent experiments, each experimental condition was evaluated in triplicate. Values are expressed as means±SD. AU, arbitrary units. *p<0.05 vs. controls.
