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Effect of BDNF on tau distribution in nocodazole-treated hippocampal neurons.

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posted on 2014-03-11, 03:38 authored by Qian Chen, Zhou Zhou, Lei Zhang, Shangcheng Xu, Chunhai Chen, Zhengping Yu

(A-C) DIV14 primary hippocampal neurons treated with nocodazole. (A) Tau protein distribution in lightly-damaged hippocampal neurons. (B) In more severely damaged neurons with only short dendrites, tau protein accumulated in the soma. (C) Heavily damaged neurons with higher tau protein immunoreactivity in the soma. (D-F) DIV14 primary hippocampal neurons treated with nocodazole+BDNF. Damaged hippocampal neurons with short dendrites show less soma tau localization after nocodazole+BDNF treatment compared to short-dendrite neurons treated with nocodazole alone. (E) Neurons with longer dendrites after nocodazole+BDNF treatment exhibiting stronger co-localization of tau and α-tubulin (yellow in merged image). (F) Neurons with extensive dendritic branching exhibiting strong tau and α-tubulin co-localization in dendrites with little tau expression in the soma after nocodazole+BDNF treatment (Bar = 20 μm).
