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Dosimetric parameters of PTV for treatment plans created with different planning techniques.

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posted on 2014-12-15, 02:55 authored by Youqun Lai, Liwan Shi, Qin Lin, Lirong Fu, Huiming Ha

Abbreviations: HFF-VMAT-FF = two half-field full-arcs VMAT with conventional flattened (FF) beam; HFQ-VMAT-FF = eight half-field quarter-arcs VMAT with FF beam; HFQ-VMAT-FFF = eight half-field quarter-arcs VMAT with flattening filter free (FFF) beam; CI = conformity index; HI = homogeneity index.

* P value corresponds to the paired t test: a = HFF-VMAT-FF vs HFQ-VMAT-FF, b = HFQ-VMAT-FF vs HFQ-VMAT-FFF.

Dosimetric parameters of PTV for treatment plans created with different planning techniques.
