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Distribution of nanoparticles in rats 3-hour after intravenous injection of FITC-NP.

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posted on 2015-07-13, 03:27 authored by Kazuhiro Nagaoka, Tetsuya Matoba, Yajing Mao, Yasuhiro Nakano, Gentaro Ikeda, Shizuka Egusa, Masaki Tokutome, Ryoji Nagahama, Kaku Nakano, Kenji Sunagawa, Kensuke Egashira

(A), Representative light (left) and fluorescence (right) stereomicrographs of whole hearts 3 hours after intravenous injection of FITC-NP. Scale bar: 5 mm (upper). Fluorescence microscopic images of the cross sections of the IR hearts treated with FITC-NP. Cardiomyocytes are identified by anti-troponin T antibody (red) and nuclei by DAPI (blue). Merged image shows colocalization of troponin T and FITC-NP. Scale bar: 100 nm (lower). (B), Representative light (upper) and fluorescence (lower) stereomicrographs of cross-sections of the IR hearts 3-hour after intravenous injection of vehicle, FITC alone, or FITC-NP. In the light images, hearts were double-stained with Evans blue and TTC to determine the area at risk. Scale bar: 5 mm. (C), Quantification of FITC fluorescence intensity in AAR and non-ischemic area 3-hour after intravenous injection of vehicle, FITC alone, or FITC-NP. N = 4 each. Data are compared using one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests. (D), Fluorescence stereomicrographs of the IR hearts from rats co-treated with Evans blue dye and FITC-NP. Evans blue (red) and FITC (green) fluorescence signals were co-localized in IR myocardium. Scale bar: 5 mm. Close correlation between the intensity of FITC and Evans blue. Thirty ROIs were placed on the fluorescence images of heart sections per animal (n = 4) at random. Values of mean fluorescence intensity of both FITC and Evans blue were determined in the same ROI (n = 120). Pearson’s correlation was used to investigate relationships between the fluorescence intensity of FITC and Evans blue. (E), Flow cytometric histograms of CD11b-positive leukocytes in the IR hearts and the blood 24-hour after intravenous injection of FITC-NP. Cells were labeled with anti-CD11b antibodies. White indicates control fluorescence in cells derived from uninjected animals. Green indicates fluorescence in cells derived from FITC-NP injected mice. Right graphs show mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in CD11b-positive leukocytes in ischemic myocardium (upper) and blood (lower). Data are mean±SEM (n = 5 per group). Data are compared using unpaired t tests.
