Table_1.xls (9.5 kB)

Demographic and clinical characteristics of all patients at baseline, and in the subgroups of CKD patients stages 1-3a (creatinine clearance ≥45 ml/min) and stage 3b-4 (creatinine clearance ≥15 and <45 ml/min).

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posted on 2014-03-27, 04:12 authored by Max Plischke, Maria Kohl, Lise Bankir, Sascha Shayganfar, Ammon Handisurya, Georg Heinze, Martin Haas

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CCl, creatinine clearance; MAP, mean arterial pressure; Posm, plasma osmolarity; Uosm, urine osmolarity; ACEI/AT-II, angiotensin converting enzyme/angiotensin II receptor antagonist; CCB, calcium channel blocker. Values are given as median (Q1-Q3), if not stated otherwise.
