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DMSO pre-treatment alters membrane resistance and impedance in CA1-PC.

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posted on 2014-03-19, 03:17 authored by Francesco Tamagnini, Sarah Scullion, Jonathan T. Brown, Andrew D. Randall

A) Voltage responses from an example control (middle, black) and DMSO pre-treated (bottom, grey) CA1-PC elicited by a series of 500 ms current stimuli varying in amplitude between −50 and +30 pA (top). B) Pooled data from a number of recordings like and including those shown in (A). The graph plots steady-state voltage deflection versus current stimulus. C) A scatter plot of input resistance derived from recordings like that in (A). Each symbol represents the slope-derived input resistance derived from a straight line fit through all the data points obtained from a single recording, the resistance in DMSO-treated cells was significantly lower (P<0.001) than in control cells. D) The top panel shows a plot of mean impedance versus stimulus frequency for control (black) and DMSO-treated (grey) CA1-PC. The thicker central line represents the mean values, and the dashed lines the bounds of 1 SEM. The bottom panel shows an example trace of the Vm of CA1 pyramidal cell resonating in response of the injection of a sinusoidal current injection of increasing frequency. The impedance Z(Ω) is measured as Z = V(fft)/I(fft). The quality factor of the resonator, Q, is calculated as the ratio between the Z at peak frequency and Z the frequency of 1 Hz (Q = Zpeak/Z1 Hz).
