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Cre activation in CDX2P9.5-G19Cre;R26R mice.

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posted on 2015-07-17, 03:10 authored by Tatsunari Sasada, Takao Hinoi, Yasufumi Saito, Tomohiro Adachi, Yuji Takakura, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Yusuke Sotomaru, Kazuhiro Sentani, Naohide Oue, Wataru Yasui, Hideki Ohdan

A, X-gal activity in cecal crypt in a 20-week-old CDX2P9.5-G19Cre;R26R mouse. ce, cecum; co, colon; an, anus. Bar, 10 mm. B, Stereomicrograph (45×) of the cecal epithelium (small box) with X-gal and eosin staining of a 20-week-old CDX2P9.5-G19Cre;R26R mouse. Bar, 1 mm. C, Quantitative analysis of X-gal staining in 20-week-old CDX2P9.5-G19Cre;R26R mice. Cells were counted in six fields; data represent mean ± SD. D, Dissected ileum and colorectal tract of CDX2P9.5-G22 Cre;Apcflox/flox mice with cecum-proximal tumors. Left, tissue sample from a 15-week-old mouse treated with chlorinated water (10.0 mg/mL). Right, tissue sample from a 15-week-old mouse treated with tap water (0.7 mg/mL). Bar, 10 mm.
