Figure_6.tif (2.39 MB)

Confocal images of cultured control astrocytes showing the expression of GFAP (A, G, green), TNF-α (B red), IL-1β (H red) and co-localized expression of GFAP and TNF-α (C), GFAP and IL-1β (I).

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posted on 2014-01-31, 03:15 authored by Yiyu Deng, Di Xie, Ming Fang, Gaofeng Zhu, Chunbo Chen, Hongke Zeng, Jia Lu, Kaur Charanjit

D–F show the expression of GFAP (D, green), TNF-α (E, red) and colocalized expression of GFAP and TNF-α (F) after treatment with 3% oxygen for 3 h. Note the elevated expression of TNF-α following treatment with 3% oxygen for 3 h (E) as compared with the control cells (B). J–L show the expression of GFAP (J, green), IL-1β (K, red) and colocalized expression of GFAP and IL-1β (L) after treatment with 3% oxygen for 3 h. The expression of IL-1β is greatly increased in the astrocytes after hypoxic exposure for 3 h. Scale bars: A–L, 50 µm.
