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Comparison of OCT and HRT parameters between eyes with CON with a glaucoma-like disc and eyes with glaucoma.

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posted on 2014-11-06, 04:23 authored by Masayuki Hata, Kazuaki Miyamoto, Akio Oishi, Yukiko Makiyama, Norimoto Gotoh, Yugo Kimura, Tadamichi Akagi, Nagahisa Yoshimura

CON =  compressive optic neuropathy; OCT =  optical coherence tomography; HRT =  Heidelberg Retina Tomograph; BMO-anterior LC =  distance between Bruch's membrane opening and anterior surface of lamina cribrosa.

Comparison of OCT and HRT parameters between eyes with CON with a glaucoma-like disc and eyes with glaucoma.
