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Comparison between the simulated and measured Euler angles for 11 flight sequences.

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posted on 2015-11-16, 03:47 authored by Attila J. Bergou, Sharon M. Swartz, Hamid Vejdani, Daniel K. Riskin, Lauren Reimnitz, Gabriel Taubin, Kenneth S. Breuer

The symbols denote the species (○: C. perspicillata; +: C. brachyotis); the colors identify each flight sequence. For clarity, every fifth data point during each flight sequence is plotted. For all flights, after subtracting the angle at t = 0 so as to remove bias, the correlations between the measured and predicted roll, pitch, and yaw angles is R2 = 0.687, 0.935, and 0.721, respectively. Data available in file EulerAngles.txt from the Dryad Digital Repository, [31].
