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Coefficients of correlation in patients with PCOS.

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posted on 2014-04-04, 03:14 authored by Melania Manco, Lidia Castagneto-Gissey, Eugenio Arrighi, Annamaria Carnicelli, Claudia Brufani, Rosa Luciano, Geltrude Mingrone

A4, Androstenedione; AMH, Anti-Mullerian Hormone; BMI, body Mass Index;

CBG, Cortisol Binding Globulin; DHEAS, Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; E2, 17β-estradiol;

HOMA-IR, Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance; LH, Luteinizing Hormone;

FAI, Free androgen index; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; T, testosterone; WBISI, Whole Body Insulin Sensitivity Index; ISSI-2, Insulin.
