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Caspase-12 silencing partially attenuated inhibitory effects of CSE on NOD1 and p-NF-κB expression.

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posted on 2014-12-11, 03:21 authored by Xiang Wang, Ya-jie Qian, Qian Zhou, Pei Ye, Ning Duan, Xiao-feng Huang, Ya-nan Zhu, Jing-jing Li, Li-ping Hu, Wei-yun Zhang, Xiao-dong Han, Wen-mei Wang

A Immunoblot bands indicated the protein expression of NOD1, RIP2, p-NF-κB in Caspase-12-silenced cells and controls exposed to CSE. B Immunoblot analysis showed that NOD1 protein level was significantly increased in Caspase-12-silenced cells compared with that in controls following 4% CSE treatment. C Caspase-12-silenced cells greatly increased RIP2 expression following 2% and 8% CSE treatment. D p-NF-κB level was greatly increased in Caspase-12-silenced cells compared with that in controls following 4% CSE treatment. Immunoblot band density data were expressed as means±SE (n = 3). Statistical significance: #P<0.05, ##P<0.01 vs. scrambled siRNA-transfected cells.
