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Cardiac and antithrombotic medication at discharge.

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posted on 2015-06-01, 03:59 authored by Heli M. Lahtela, Tuomas O. Kiviniemi, Marja K. Puurunen, Axel Schlitt, Andrea Rubboli, Antti Ylitalo, José Valencia, Gregory Y. H. Lip, K. E. Juhani Airaksinen

P-value < 0.05 = *, p value < 0.01 = **, all values are compared with eGFR ≥90mL/min group. Data are reported as number and percentage or mean ± SD; eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate; VKA, vitamin K antagonist; INR, international normalized ratio; ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers

Cardiac and antithrombotic medication at discharge.
