Fig_3.tif (740.82 kB)

Breed-specific LD Manhattan plots of relevant region on CFA12, indicating R2-values of each SNP in respect to the highest associated markers.

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posted on 2015-08-11, 03:40 authored by Matteo Bianchi, Stina Dahlgren, Jonathan Massey, Elisabeth Dietschi, Marcin Kierczak, Martine Lund-Ziener, Katarina Sundberg, Stein Istre Thoresen, Olle Kämpe, Göran Andersson, William E. R. Ollier, Åke Hedhammar, Tosso Leeb, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Lorna J. Kennedy, Frode Lingaas, Gerli Rosengren Pielberg

Orange bars are highlighting the associated regions (R2 ≥ 0.7) in GS (3,022,017–9,637,877 bp), HV (4,110,982–6,635,695 bp) and RR (3,561,421–9,336,752 bp). Dashed lines indicate the shared region of association (4,110,982–6,635,695 bp).
