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Balanced classification rate (BCR) of a nearest neighbor classifier as a function of the signature size (number of genes) used for prediction.

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posted on 2015-04-30, 04:25 authored by Bernard R. Lauwerys, Daniel Hernández-Lobato, Pierre Gramme, Julie Ducreux, Adrien Dessy, Isabelle Focant, Jérôme Ambroise, Bertrand Bearzatto, Adrien Nzeusseu Toukap, Benoît J. Van den Eynde, Dirk Elewaut, Jean-Luc Gala, Patrick Durez, Frédéric A. Houssiau, Thibault Helleputte, Pierre Dupont

Lists of genes of progressively decreasing sizes were determined based on high-density transcriptomic data, and used in order to predict diagnosis in 25 patients with RA, SLE, OA, SA and MIC. BCR is plotted in function of the signature size. Lists of genes containing between 20 and 100 probe sets provide performances that range between 83% and 85%.
