Figure 4.TIF (1010.8 kB)

Assessment of meiotic recombination at the HIS4LEU2 hotspot.

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posted on 2013-12-26, 03:37 authored by Alice Copsey, Shangming Tang, Philip W. Jordan, Hannah G. Blitzblau, Sonya Newcombe, Andrew Chi-ho Chan, Louise Newnham, Zhaobo Li, Stephen Gray, Alex D. Herbert, Prakash Arumugam, Andreas Hochwagen, Neil Hunter, Eva Hoffmann

(A–C) The HIS4LEU2 hotspot. mcJM: multichromatid joint molecules (abbreviations: M-Mom, D-Dad), IS-dHJ intersister double Holliday Junctions, IH-dHJ interhomolog double Holliday Junctions, SEI- single-end invasions, DSBs- double strand breaks. Digesting with XhoI gives diagnostic band sizes from parental molecules, Mom and Dad, as well as recombinant fragment lengths (R1 and R2). These are predominantly crossovers. The different molecules can be separated on 1D (A) and shape-dependent separation on 2D gels (C). Further digestion with NgoMIV differentiates noncrossovers from parental molecules (B). The * indicates a non-specific signal.
