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Agroinfiltration in Z. zerumbet leaves.

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posted on 2015-04-28, 03:27 authored by Chidambareswaren Mahadevan, Abdul Jaleel, Lokesh Deb, George Thomas, Manjula Sakuntala

Fig 3a. Control leaf of infiltrated Z. zerumbet. Agroinfiltration was carried out by mixing equal amounts of the three Agrobacterium (GV3103) cultures harboring pCaBS-α, pCaBS-β and pCa-γb: 00.The cultures were infiltrated into 2–4 leaves of 3-month Z. zerumbet plants using a 1-ml needleless syringe. The agroinfiltrated plants were maintained in a growth chamber for 30 dpi. Control leaf showed no visual signs of viral infection. Fig 3b. Leaves infiltrated with equal amounts of Agrobacterium cultures harboring pCaBS-α, pCaBS-β and pCaγb:ZzPDS. After 30dpi, yellow stripes were visible along the parallel veins, indicating sites of PDS down-regulation. Fig 3c. A closer view of a PDS-silenced leaf of Z. zerumbet.
