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Actin is an antagonist of Plasmodium infection.

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posted on 2015-02-06, 02:56 authored by Simone L. Sandiford, Yuemei Dong, Andrew Pike, Benjamin J. Blumberg, Ana C. Bahia, George Dimopoulos

P. falciparum oocyst–stage infection intensity after silencing of (A) An. gambiae actin (Ac), AgMDL1 (MDL1), actin and AgMDL1 (Ac+MDL1), or GFP or (B) actin (Ac) or GFP in septic vs aseptic mosquitoes. Circles represents the number of oocysts in an individual mosquito midgut, and the horizontal line indicates the median number. Three independent replicates were obtained, and the Mann-Whitney test was used to determine statistical significance and p-values (indicated above each group).
