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Acrocyanosis, cramps and joint pains prevalence in SMAD3 mutation-carriers and control patients (Cont).

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posted on 2014-05-07, 03:05 authored by Mélodie Aubart, Delphine Gobert, Fleur Aubart-Cohen, Delphine Detaint, Nadine Hanna, Hyacintha d’Indya, Janine-Sophie Lequintrec, Philippe Renard, Anne-Marie Vigneron, Philippe Dieudé, Jean-Pierre Laissy, Pierre Koch, Christine Muti, Joelle Roume, Veronica Cusin, Bernard Grandchamp, Laurent Gouya, Eric LeGuern, Thomas Papo, Catherine Boileau, Guillaume Jondeau

Acrocyanosis, cramps and joint pains prevalence in SMAD3 mutation-carriers and control patients (Cont).
