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A schematic presentation of mutations affecting the WFS1 protein.

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posted on 2014-09-11, 02:42 authored by Kimie Matsunaga, Katsuya Tanabe, Hiroshi Inoue, Shigeru Okuya, Yasuharu Ohta, Masaru Akiyama, Akihiko Taguchi, Yukari Kora, Naoko Okayama, Yuichiro Yamada, Yasuhiko Wada, Shin Amemiya, Shigetaka Sugihara, Yuzo Nakao, Yoshitomo Oka, Yukio Tanizawa

The relative positions of WFS1 mutations within the putative WFS1 protein topology are indicated. Mutations are color-coded according to their mutation categories: mutations with predicted complete loss of function (red), mutations with predicted partial loss of function (blue). Novel mutations are indicated in bold type.
