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AQP2 protein localization in ovary and ovarian bursa after PMSG-primed hCG injection.

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posted on 2013-05-22, 10:31 authored by He Zhang, Ying Zhang, Huashan Zhao, Yunfang Zhang, Qi Chen, Hongying Peng, Li lei, Jingqiao Qiao, Junchao Shi, Zhonghong Cao, Enkui Duan, YaPing Jin

(A, B) Immunofluorescence assay for AQP2 in ovarian bursa (A) and ovary (B). FITC-labeled AQP2 antibody is in green, and propidium iodide-labeled nuclei are in red. FA: follicular antrum. GC: granulosa cell. TC: theca cells. Scale bars: 50 µm.
