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ANOVA results of four factor analysis based on mean values of verbal, performance and full scale IQ.

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posted on 2014-10-14, 03:33 authored by Mohd Fareed, Mohammad Afzal

Model I = Population×Gender×Age×Inbreeding, Model II = Residence×SES×Age×Inbreeding.

df = degrees of freedom; ss = sum of squares; ms = means square; SES = socioeconomic status.

In Model I, the population, gender, and age based differences are found to be non-significant for all cognitive tests.

In Model II, the residence, SES and age are found to be insignificant.

Inbreeding is found to be significant for all cognitive parameters in both the models.

***Statistically significant at p<0.001.

ANOVA results of four factor analysis based on mean values of verbal, performance and full scale IQ.
