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Zona Pelapukan Sebagai Pengontrol Longsoran di Daerah Jingkang dan Sekitarnya, Purbalingga (Weathering Zone as Controling Factor in Jingkang Landslide, Purbalingga)

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conference contribution
posted on 2019-07-19, 06:07 authored by Indra Permanajati, Sachrul IswahyudiSachrul Iswahyudi
Landslide is natural phenomena caused by the decline in soil material, regolith, and rocks from the top of the hill due to gravity. This event often leads to casualties and environmental damage when it comes to interacting with human life, as happened in Jingkang village. Landslide in Jingkang village occurred in public buildings namely Jingkang Elementary School and Jingkang Kindergarten. This landslide has become a research study because it occurs in certain zones in rock weathering levels. The method used is a description of weathering levels by the British Standardmethod BS EN ISO 14689-1 in landslide areas,then geological engineering mapping, and identification of landslide anatomy. The results obtained in the slip plane are found in the weathered level of the claystone of the Halang formation. The clay is attached to the basalt rock of the members of the Halang Formation. The weathered level 4 has characteristics in the field, namely that there is soil material with a proportion of soil material larger than rocks and rock structures are still observed in the field. This clay has a dip dip relative to the west (river), so this area is very prone to landslides. It has been proven that in some places landslides have occurred and several locations have experienced cracks and shifts. The mitigation advice is by building relocation because the location conditions are not possible due to geological conditions that are very susceptible to landslides.


Indra Permanajati; Sachrul Iswahyudi


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