stachowski_k-tools_for_semi_automatic_analysis_.pdf (893.48 kB)

Tools for Semi-Automatic Analysis of Sound Correspondences: The soundcorrs Package for R

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Version 2 2020-07-03, 06:23
Version 1 2020-06-29, 07:07
journal contribution
posted on 2020-07-03, 06:23 authored by Kamil StachowskiKamil Stachowski
soundcorrs is a small R library of functions intended to facilitate computer-aided analysis of sound correspondences between languages. It is not designed to draw its own conclusions, merely to automate labour-intensive tasks and furnish the linguist with sifted and processed data for him or her to interpret. To make use of its basic functionality, soundcorrs requires only a very rudimentary knowledge of R, and no understanding of statistics at all. More advanced functions can be accessed and more involved results obtained after only a brief course of the two.
