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Tumor Blood Supply.

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posted on 2017-03-20, 17:42 authored by Xiaoping Yi, Wenguang Liu, Youming Zhang, Desheng Xiao, Hongling Yin, Xueying Long, Li Li, Hongyan Zai, Minfeng Chen, Wenzheng Li, Lunquan Sun

Three PNET cases with masses arising in the right adrenal gland region (A/D) (Case no. 2), left kidney (B/E) (Case no. 17) and mesentery (C/F) (Case no. 14) (arrows). Contrast-enhanced arterial phase CT images showed circuitous lines of small blood vessels within the masses. Tiny feeding arteries could be observed inside the mass, showing a crab-like appearance (curved tail arrow) (D-E).
