Fig 5.tif (963.39 kB)

Trends in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase mutations in Puerto Rico from 2002 to 2011.

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posted on 2017-05-11, 18:07 authored by Lycely del C. Sepúlveda-Torres, Lavanya Rishishwar, Maria Luisa Rogers, Eddy Ríos-Olivares, Nawal Boukli, I. King Jordan, Luis A. Cubano

(A) Normalized reverse transcriptase (RT) mutation frequencies, color-coded as shown in the key, are shown for the 2002–2011 period. White boxes indicate an absence of RT resistance mutations in any given year. RT mutation frequency profiles are grouped using hierarchical clustering, revealing five distinct clusters. Mutation names are shown adjacent to the clustering plot. (B) Box-plot distributions of the normalized RT mutation frequencies. Box-plots are color-coded using a rainbow scheme to visually distinguish the five RT mutation frequency clusters.
