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Traumatic extracranial internal carotid-jugular fistula leading to serious injury: a case report in forensic assessment

posted on 2018-03-16, 12:59 authored by Xia Liu, Lihua Fan, Chongliang Ying, Yibin Cheng, Maowen Wang

Extracranial carotid artery injuries may produce severe haemorrhage, cerebral damage or arteriovenous fistula. Examples of traumatic extracranial carotid-jugular fistula are not frequently reported, especially in forensic medicine. We report a controversial case of an extracranial internal carotid-jugular fistula resulting from a stab wound to the neck. The degree of the injury was classified under “The Standard of Human Body Injury Assessment (2014)” (SIA) in China by forensic examiners. We believe this case report will provide information for the forensic assessment of similar cases.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 81500921]; the National Key Research and Development Program of China [grant number 2016YFC0800700]; the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine [grant number 17DZ2273200]; the Shanghai Forensic Service Platform [grant number 16DZ290900].
