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Transcripción del Catálogo Monumental de la Provincia de Soria por Juan Cabré (1916-1917)

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posted on 2020-04-09, 16:32 authored by Raquel Liceras-GarridoRaquel Liceras-Garrido, Alba Comino, Patricia Murrieta-FloresPatricia Murrieta-Flores
Text in computer readable format of the 8 books of the volume dedicated to the province of Soria of the Monumental Catalogue of Spain written by Juan Cabré (1916-1917).
Using Transkribus, specific Handwriting Text Recognition models have been trained to recognize this author's spelling and are available on the online platform (Cabre_v3). After automatic transcription, the text was manually revised.
The transcriptions were carried out by Raquel Liceras-Garrido, Alba Comino and Patricia Murrieta-Flores under the project “Goodbye reading glasses: a Machine Learning experiment on handwriting documents”, funded by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Digital Humanities Hub of Lancaster University (UK).


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