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The tRNA nomenclature and the gene order of vertebrate mtDNA.

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posted on 2016-06-23, 07:18 authored by Stefano Montelli, Antonella Peruffo, Tomaso Patarnello, Bruno Cozzi, Enrico Negrisolo

Ac, pair of the acceptor stem; dh, pair of the DHU stem; an, pair of the anticodon stem; tp, pair of the TΨC stem. The numbering of pairs follows a 5’ → 3’ orientation. The 5’ nucleotide of a pair is marked with a, while the 3’ base is marked with b. The numbering scheme of Sprinzl et al. [20] is provided only for the stems. Base pairings are indicated as follows: –, canonical Watson-Crick base pairing; •, base pairing involving G and T; |, base pairing implying a mismatch. A The gene order of vertebrate mtDNA is depicted at the bottom, linearised starting from cox1. Genes encoded on the α-strand (right to left orientation) are underlined in green, while those encoded on the β-strand are underlined in red (left to right orientation). Gene nomenclature: atp6 and atp8: ATP synthase subunits 6 and 8; cob: apocytochrome b; cox1-3: cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1–3; nad1-6 and nad4L: NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1–6 and 4L; rrnS and rrnL: small and large subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes; and X: transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, where X is the one-letter abbreviation of the corresponding amino acid. In particular, L1 identifies the CTN codon family; L2 the TTR codon family, S1 the AGY codon family, and S2 the TCN codon family. CR, Control Region.
