pone.0170806.g006.tif (377.87 kB)

The percentage of phagocytosis by monocytes from healthy controls was not changed in the presence of tacrolimus or MPA.

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posted on 2017-01-25, 17:35 authored by Nynke M. Kannegieter, Dennis A. Hesselink, Marjolein Dieterich, Rens Kraaijeveld, Ajda T. Rowshani, Pieter J. M. Leenen, Carla C. Baan

(A) Monocytes were selected from the leukocyte population by a forward and side scatter. Analysis was based on the phagocytosis of the FITC-labeled bacteria. Incubation with FITC-labeled bacteria on 37°C showed a high percentage of phagocytosing monocytes (positive control) compared to monocytes on 0°C (negative control). (B) Mean percentage of phagocytosing monocytes after spiking with either vehicle, 10 ng/ml tacrolimus, 50 ng/ml tacrolimus, 200 ng/ml tacrolimus or 10 μg/ml MPA. Incubation at 37°C increased the percentage of phagocytosing monocytes by more than 90%. Effects of tacrolimus and MPA on phagocytosis were determined as the percentage of phagocytosing monocytes compared to the positive control without immunosuppressive drugs. (Data are plotted as the mean ±SEM; n = 4).
