Fig 2.tif (2.04 MB)

The influence of time series parameters on the power of the sum, the sum of the power, and the cross-power.

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posted on 2017-07-24, 22:07 authored by Dora Hermes, Mai Nguyen, Jonathan Winawer

(A) LFP power, computed as the power of the sum of 5 time series from a multivariate Gaussian distribution (Eq 6). The LFP power is shown as a function of the correlation (ρ), variance (σ), and mean (μ) of the time series (Eq 7). (B) The same as A, except plotting the sum of the power rather than the power of the sum, in order to model the BOLD signal. (C) The same as B but for cross-power. The power of the sum—Panel A—is the sum of the terms in Panels B & C. (Code to reproduce this figure can be found on function ns_script02_Fig2.m).
