pone.0209414.g004.tif (2.32 MB)

The dissection of an ovine visceral trunk, hepatic trunk and intestinal trunk.

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posted on 2019-01-16, 18:29 authored by Hung-Hsun Yen, Christina M. Murray, Elizabeth A. Washington, Wayne G. Kimpton, Helen M. S. Davies

The locations of the visceral trunk and the confluence of the hepatic and intestinal trunks are present in this image. Lymph in the intestinal trunk contains abundant lipids following normal feeding and is shown by the cloudy appearance. Lymph from the intestinal trunk drains into the visceral trunk and thus the visceral trunk also presents the “milky” color. As depicted in Fig 1B, the visceral trunk collects lymph from many major organs in the abdominal cavity. Lymph from the gastric trunk, hepatic trunk and intestinal trunk all streams into the visceral trunk. The visceral trunk enters the lumbar trunk next to its junction with the cisterna chyli. This figure is positioned with cranial to the right and shows the ventrolateral aspect of the region caudal to the liver on the right. G: gloves.
