Fig 2.TIF (5.63 MB)

The N-terminal domain of NbSKP1.1 interacts with CLCuMuB βC1 in yeast.

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posted on 2016-06-17, 03:30 authored by Qi Jia, Na Liu, Ke Xie, Yanwan Dai, Shaojie Han, Xijuan Zhao, Lichao Qian, Yunjing Wang, Jinping Zhao, Rena Gorovits, Daoxin Xie, Yiguo Hong, Yule Liu

Growth of SKY48 yeast strains containing NLS-LexA BD-CLCuMuB βC1 (BD-βC1) transformed with AD fused full length, N-terminal fragment (N98aa), C-terminal fragment (C57aa) of NbSKP1.1 or AD (control) on Leu-containing (Leu+) and Leu-deficient (Leu) medium with galactose (Gal) and raffinose (Raf) at 28°C for 6 d. Yeast cells were plated at OD600 = 1, 0.1, 0.01.
