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The Limonoids and Their Antitobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Activities from Munronia unifoliolata Oliv.

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journal contribution
posted on 2012-05-02, 00:00 authored by Yong-hui Ge, Kai-xing Liu, Jian-xin Zhang, Shu-zhen Mu, Xiao-jiang Hao
Five new limonoids, named munronoids K–O (15), together with three known limonoids were isolated from Munronia unifoliola Oliv. These limonoids were involved in the skeletons of evodulone, gedunin, and peieurianin types of limonoids, and their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic data. Compound 5 featuring a γ-lactone ring instead of the β-substituted furan ring was found in the peieurianin type for the first time. The antitobacco mosaic virus (anti-TMV) activities of compounds 18 were also evaluated with half-leaf, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and Western blot methods, and limonoids 1, 5, and 8 showed stronger anti-TMV treatment activities than the positive control ningnanmycin. Six compounds (15 and 8) exhibited infection inhibition activities against TMV.
