Fig 3.TIF (2.2 MB)

Tertiary structure of X2F6 mAb and the predicted antibody epitope.

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posted on 2016-10-19, 17:52 authored by Yoshie Kametani, Shino Ohshima, Asuka Miyamoto, Atsuko Shigenari, Masaki Takasu, Noriaki Imaeda, Tatsuya Matsubara, Masafumi Tanaka, Takashi Shiina, Hiroshi Kamiguchi, Ryuji Suzuki, Hitoshi Kitagawa, Jerzy K. Kulski, Noriaki Hirayama, Hidetoshi Inoko, Asako Ando

(A) Amino acid sequences of heavy and light chains of the X2F6 variable region. The database sequence PDB ID 3V7A is shown as the control sequence. (B) The predicted tertiary structure of the X2F6 mAb. (C) The tertiary structures of the YLL set in SLA-1*0501, which reacts with X2F6 with high reactivity (left panel), and the DVF set in SLA-1*1104, which cannot react with X2F6 (right panel), are shown. Pink (hydrophobic) and green (hydrophilic) colors represent the amino acid character. The structure is largely different, and the binding affinity is predicted to be different.
