6 files

Data Comparing phonetic and orthographic networks_a multiplex analysis

Version 5 2020-11-24, 19:32
Version 4 2020-07-31, 07:58
Version 3 2020-07-31, 04:06
Version 2 2020-07-31, 03:04
Version 1 2020-07-31, 03:02
posted on 2020-07-31, 04:06 authored by Pablo A. Lara-MartínezPablo A. Lara-Martínez, Bibiana Obregon-QuintanaBibiana Obregon-Quintana, F. Reyes-Manzano, I. López-Rodríguez, L. Guzmán-Vargas
The complexity of natural language can be explored by means of multiplex analyses at different scales, from word to sentences levels. Here, we plan to investigate a multiplex word-level network, which comprises an orthographic network and a phonetic network. We systematically compare basic structural network properties to determine similarities and differences between both networks, and the combination of them in the multiplex configuration. As a natural extension of our work, we plan to evaluate the preservation of the structural network properties and information-based quantities from the following perspectives: (i) presence of similarities across 16 natural languages from 4 linguistics families (Romance, Germanic, Slavic and Uralic), (ii) increase of the size of the number of words (corpus) from 104 to 50(104), and (iii) robustness of the networks. Our preliminary findings reinforce the idea of common organizational properties among natural languages, and once concluded, will contribute to the characterization of similarities and differences in the orthographic and phonetic perspectives of language networks at word-level.
