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TAB1 affects the steady states of the nuclear pp38, cytosolic pp38, and pMKK.

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posted on 2016-06-17, 05:33 authored by Raghvendra Singh

It is assumed that the normal levels of TAB1 and TAB2 in a wild type cell are 10 nM and 100 nM respectively (A) Effect of variation of TAB1 and TAB2 on the acute phase of the nuclear pp38 in presence of 100 nM of IL-1 (B) Effect of variation of TAB1 and TAB2 on the steady state of the nuclear pp38 in presence of 100 nM of IL-1 (C) Effect of variation of TAB1 and TAB2 on the transient phase of the cytosolic/membrane pp38 in presence of 100 nM of IL-1 (D) Effect of variation of TAB1 and TAB2 on the steady state of the cytosolic/membrane pp38 in presence of 100 nM of IL-1 (E) Effect of variation of TAB1 and TAB2 on the dynamics of pMKK in presence of 100 nM of IL-1.
