TonalReassociationLearningSimulations.rar (7.27 MB)

Supplemental materials to Chapter 5 of Breteler (2018) for replication of learning simulations of tonal reassociation patterns

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posted on 2018-02-05, 19:52 authored by Jeroen BretelerJeroen Breteler
This archive contains supplementary material to Chapter 5 of Breteler's (2018) dissertation about a foot-based typology of tonal reassociation patterns.
The archive contains files to support the replication of the results reported in Chapter 5 for learning simulations of a variety of tonal reassociation patterns.
The files are for use in Praat (Boersma & Weenink 2017).

The files use a notation that is different from that used in the paper. For morpheme forms, rather than use the letters A through E, the forms use the letters V through Z. For overt forms, the symbol 'o' denotes a low-pitched syllable, while the symbol 'A' denotes a high-pitched syllable. For lexical and surface phonological forms, the capital letters A through E to indicate high tone, while 'o' indicates a toneless syllable. If a capital letter occurs more than once, this indicates that the syllables are associated to the same tonal autosegment. For example, the string '/AA/' denotes a surface form with one tonal autosegment linked to two syllables, whereas the string 'AB' denotes two high-toned syllables associated to two different tonal autosegments.

Below I describe the contents of the archive per folder.

1. Distributions
This folder contains .PairDistribution files, which lists pairs of adult morpheme and overt forms and frequencies, for a variety of patterns, including those patterns discussed in Chapter 5.

2. Grammars
This folder contains the .OTMulti files which list the constraint set and candidate set for the learner. One file also includes candidates which are harmonically bounded in the production direction. The other file does not contain any such candidates; the decision to avoid harmonically bounded candidates was found to lead to more convergent and more typologically accurate learning outcomes.

3. Results
This is an empty folder created to support the example script, as detailed below.

4. Scripts
This folder contains an example of the type of scripts that have been used for the work in Chapter 5. The example is for the Binary Spreading pattern. Running Praat in this folder (Scripts) on the script will lead to output in the Results folder.

Finally, in the root folder the archive contains "OTSoft input file.txt", which is the input file used to calculate the OT factorial typology, as discussed in section .


Breteler, Jeroen, 2018. A foot-based typology of tonal reassociation: Perspectives from synchrony and learnability. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam.

Boersma, Paul and Weenink, David, 2017. Praat: doing phonetics by computer [Computer program]. Version 6.0.25, retrieved 11 February 2017 from


Research was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) through the graduate program of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT), in the context of the project “Language – from cognition to communication” (NWO project number 022.004.015).
