VTE_Warf_Apix_Index_Hosp_Readmission_Manuscript_v12_Submitted_Suppl_Table.pdf (355.25 kB)

Supplemental Material, VTE_Warf_Apix_Index_Hosp_Readmission_Manuscript_v12_Submitted_Suppl_Table - Hospital Resource Utilization and Costs Associated With Warfarin Versus Apixaban Treatment Among Patients Hospitalized for Venous Thromboembolism in the United States

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-11-15, 12:00 authored by Steven Deitelzweig, Jennifer D Guo, Patrick Hlavacek, Jay Lin, Gail Wygant, Lisa Rosenblatt, Anu Gupta, Xianying Pan, Jack Mardekian, Melissa Lingohr-Smith, Brandy Menges, Alexander Marshall, Anagha Nadkarni

Supplemental Material, VTE_Warf_Apix_Index_Hosp_Readmission_Manuscript_v12_Submitted_Suppl_Table for Hospital Resource Utilization and Costs Associated With Warfarin Versus Apixaban Treatment Among Patients Hospitalized for Venous Thromboembolism in the United States by Steven Deitelzweig, Jennifer D Guo, Patrick Hlavacek, Jay Lin, Gail Wygant RN MS, Lisa Rosenblatt, Anu Gupta, Xianying Pan, Jack Mardekian, Melissa Lingohr-Smith, Brandy Menges, Alexander Marshall, and Anagha Nadkarni in Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis


