SupplementalMaterial_BRM_RandomSlopesMI_130215.pdf (1.78 MB)

Supplement to "Multiple Imputation of Missing Covariate Values in Multilevel Models With Random Slopes: A Cautionary Note"

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Version 2 2015-02-19, 12:36
Version 1 2014-10-16, 15:33
journal contribution
posted on 2015-02-19, 12:36 authored by Simon GrundSimon Grund, Oliver Lüdtke, Alexander Robitzsch

This document provides supplemental materials on our article entitled “Multiple Imputa-
tion of Missing Covariate Values in Multilevel Models With Random Slopes: A Cautionary
Note”. Supplement A contains details on the different imputation models. Supplement B
describes pan’s convergence and autocorrelation behavior. Supplement C contains the imputation procedures that were used in this study. Supplement D contains additional tables.

