2 files

Supplement 2. Data for examples of selection ratio analysis on community aggregated traits (SRCAT).

posted on 2016-08-05, 17:35 authored by Nathanael I. Lichti, Michael T. Murphy

File List

pdxherbs.csv -- Herb community data for Portland, Oregon greenspaces


Data on the relative importance of 76 herb species in 47 forested greenspaces in Portland, Oregon, USA. The data are stored as a comma-separated text (.csv) file. The first row contains species codes and the first column contains site identifiers. The second column contains the variable popdens which is the population density in a 100-m buffer around each site (people/ha). The final 2 rows of the file contain dummy codes (0/1) indicating whether each species is native or nonnative to western Oregon.

Checksum values are as follows:

-- TABLE: Please see in attached file. --
