2 files

Supplement 1. Data set containing soil climate and carbon flux data for years 2001–2005 at Northern Old Black Spruce Forest, Manitoba, Canada.

posted on 2016-08-04, 10:50 authored by Allison L. Dunn, Steven C. Wofsy, Alframv H. Bright

File List



SoilClimateCarbonFlux.csv contains a time series of half-hourly data collected at Northern Old Black Spruce flux tower site in central Manitoba (55°N, 98°W) from 2001–2005. Some checksum values for the data file are: column 3 (Latent heat flux) checksum = 1445056, missing = 21428; Column 10 (soil temperature, site W1, 35 cm) checksum = 11201.93, missing = 42859; column 20 (CO2 flux at dry site) checksum = 18633.91, missing = 57906; row 1000 checksum = 2043.2662, missing = 17; row 40563 checksum = 2151.5194, missing = 1; and row 41306 checksum = 2342.0652, missing = 6. Row numbers are inclusive of the header lines. Subtract 2 from each of the row numbers to exclude header lines. If using MS Excel to download the file, you must use versions no older than Excel 2007. Column headings and associated units are included in the file and described below. Missing data are designated with “NA”.

-- TABLE: Please see in attached file. --
