pone.0223925.g005.tif (498.95 kB)

Spectroscopic measurements for release of nucleic acids upon CAP treatment.

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posted on 2019-11-26, 18:35 authored by Felix Theinkom, Larissa Singer, Fabian Cieplik, Sylvia Cantzler, Hannes Weilemann, Maximilian Cantzler, Karl-Anton Hiller, Tim Maisch, Julia L. Zimmermann

OD medians, minima and maxima of the supernatants of untreated biofilms (UC) or biofilms treated with positive control (lysozyme treatment followed by Proteinase K digestion, (PC)) or CAP, as measured at 260 nm for release of nucleic acids. For CAP, samples were measured either 5 or 20 min after being treated with CAP for 5 or 10 min or left untreated (UC’). n = 6.
