pcbi.1006640.g010.tif (2.73 MB)

Spatial variation in cytosolic metabolite concertation and force dynamics under normoxia and hypoxia.

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posted on 2018-12-05, 19:09 authored by Shouryadipta Ghosh, Kenneth Tran, Lea M. D. Delbridge, Anthony J. R. Hickey, Eric Hanssen, Edmund J. Crampin, Vijay Rajagopal

(A): Steady state profiles of ADP/ATP ratio. ADP/ATP is significantly higher in the anoxic cell core under low O2 supply (B): ATP hydrolysis rate is similarly lower in the cell core under hypoxic condition (C): Peak twitch force (Fpeak) is significantly higher in the cell core under hypoxia (D): Increased Fpeak is complemented by increased twitch duration in the cell core, which can lead to loss of energy in the form of shear strain.
